Shaft Torque Measurements

Shaft power measurement 

With our special marine shaft torque measurement tools we can measure Torque, RPM and output power from your propulsion or generator installation. During these measurements we are able to real-time monitor two shafts at the same time and analyse all measured data with a data log. Our measurement equipment is very light and compact so ideal to take for a quick torq-measurement assignment all over the world.

The measurement is based on the "Wheatstone" principle. With special strain-gaugers, the distortion of the material is detected and sent analog through the gaugers to a receiver connected with a laptop with measurement software. With the right variable input shaft materials and shaft diameters, the software calculates the actual engine/motor output-torque or power. 

These output power measurements are indispensable for verifying the correct engine or electro-motor performance, for example, commissioning trials, performance tests after engine overhauls or to limit the maximum power output to meet factory- or government requirements.

Are you interrested in our Shaft Power Measurement Services, get in touch. We are able to perform direct measurements worldwide! 


Jongbloed Engine & Machinery Service
Mariengaarderweg 1
9074 TL Hallum
The Netherlands

For further information on our products and services, please get in touch!

+31 (0) 623204205

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